Saturday, October 13, 2012

insane asylum escapee

My first Halloween tutorial, I knew it had to be a good one and something I love. Ever since I was little, I have been somewhat obsessed with insane asylums, and somewhat wish they still were around, even though they are truly horrible. I wish I worked at one honestly. This was super simple, easy to put together, and completely affordable! The video will be up soon. Yes, I did get this idea from grav3yardgirl, but this is my interpretation! xx
(There will be two more Halloween videos up soon!)


  1. oh dear lord, this is scary (its fab !!) but terrifying me xxxx

  2. Great makeup :)

    If you're interested in asylums I recommend this book- Madness in Its Place: Narratives of Severalls Hospital, 1913-1997 by Diana Gittins. It is about a mental hospital in the UK and has inpatient's own memories and thoughts about their experiences there. It's really interesting.

    (I did my degree disssertation on institutions)

  3. This is terrifying but such a good costume!

    Ellie @ Ellalogy 

  4. omg this is scary and creepy. can't wait for your video to come out!

  5. LOL the last photo is PRICELESS!
    love u sarah u rock (:

  6. I love this, can't wait to see the video. So do you think you could do some zombie-ish make up and teach me? I'm doing a zombie walk and want to go all out but I don't know how
