Friday, November 14, 2014


Too many times have I not worn an item of clothing for fear that people would raise an eyebrow. Even if I loved that piece, and it perfectly reflected what I wanted to get across in my outfit. Recently I've pushed myself to really change this way of thinking, and do things for myself, not for others. This includes wearing makeup on a more regular basis. I was in a slump where I would wear it maybe once a week, just for filming, and didn't really enjoy the process. Same goes for building outfits. I would just wear what was the "norm" or what wouldn't offend others, without really reflecting myself.

Now I think, what do I want to wear today for myself. What kind of makeup do I think looks cool. I try not to allow others' opinion into the equation at all. Honestly, what's the risk? Strangers' judgement? A few stares? Even rude comments? But so what? What on earth do their opinions matter anyways? Go ahead mix those prints, wear the gaudy sweater, mix red and pink, black and brown, because who the fuck cares. Clothes are supposed to be whimsical, fun, and why waste time wearing outfits we find boring or not representative of us. Life is too short to not wear what we want, and if the outfit makes us happy, no one can take that away. Don't question yourself, just put on what you want. Wear that faux fur coat to the grocery store.



  1. This is a wonderful sentiment that I completely agree with! It would be interesting if you did more post/videos on your current inspirations! I'd love to hear your thoughts on trends and the stuff you're really into.

    On a side note: I'm loving all the blog posts your writing lately! :3

  2. Oh Sarah, I've just been thinking the same thing recently. And once I started wearing them, they felt okay! Who cares what others say about what you wear! You look lovely, and I hope you are doing okay.

  3. I really needed to read this. I am the worst when it comes to wearing clothes 'out of my norm' so many times I buy clothes and never wear them because I always worry its too dressed up or something and just end up wearing boring jeans and t-shirt. Thanks for the motivation!

  4. Sarah I love your attitude! I really used to care what people thought, but I've found that most people could care less, they're too busy with their own stuff to worry about me. I say rock that faux fur at the grocery store!

  5. Eff yes! Preach girl. {}

  6. Agreed. Don't dress in a temporary trend, start your own
